
Guaranteed Payment. Not Just Guaranteed Software.

Our first clients are beginning to receive their year one HITECH Act Meaningful Use payments of up to $18,000. As the payments roll in, we are fulfilling and validating the promises made to our clients under our Federal Bonus Incentive Guarantee Program. With our HITECH Act Guarantee, eligible physicians who sign up and do their part to meet Meaningful Use measures are guaranteed to receive their payment in year one. We are the only vendor in the industry that guarantees physicians payment, not just certified software. And we're putting our own money on the line to back it up.*

Why the Confidence?

How can we be so confident in our ability to meet Meaningful Use that we are willing to put our own money on the line?* And why do 100% of our clients share that confidence, according to our surveys, "Ambulatory EMR: On Track for Meaningful Use?"

Unlike traditional software or ASP-based EHRs, where all the work involved in meeting and tracking Meaningful Use performance falls on the practice, HITS provides a full-service solution with no extra or hidden costs. Our service includes, at no extra cost:

  • Administrative support that takes on cumbersome tasks of registration and attestation with government agencies
  • Fully certified clinical quality measures built into the workflow with our proprietary HITS®
  • A Meaningful Use Resource Center website where clients have access to all the information they need—at their fingertips
  • Expert performance coaching to guide and support clients through every stage of the process

Contact us to learn more and to receive our 8 Tips for EHR Adoption whitepaper.

* As a service-based EHR, our monthly fee is the only payment we receive from our clients for our EHR. If you don't receive the Federal Stimulus reimbursement dollars for the first year you qualify, we will credit you 100% of your EHR service fees for up to six months until you do. This offer applies to HITECH Act reimbursement payments only. Additional terms, conditions, and limitations apply. Talk to an ICAN representative to learn more.

For more specifics about our guarantee, read our Frequently Asked Questions.